World Vision is committed to wisely stewarding the resources at our disposal. These resources are not our own—they’ve been entrusted to us by God through our partners and donors, and we are responsible for managing them in a way that brings maximum benefit to the people we serve.
Our sponsorship results report is carefully crafted to show you, our sponsors, the real impact you’re making on the lives of vulnerable girls and boys around the world.
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2.77M girls, boys, and adults were reached through child sponsorship
292,113 children were actively sponsored in 35 countries
14 communities graduated to self-sufficiency
This report accounts for World Vision Canada’s program work completed in fiscal year 2023, from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.
Families become economically self-reliant with the ability to provide for their children—both now and in the future.
Equip families and individuals with resources and training, focusing on women’s economic empowerment.
Join forces at the community level to build sustainability and resilience.
Strengthen gender-responsive food and market systems to support the most vulnerable.
66,589 people received support with agricultural resources, including large and small livestock, tools and seeds.
87,361 people actively involved in savings groups, providing financial literacy training and access to small loans.
26,346 people trained in business and entrepreneurial skills, including financial literacy and profitable activities.
55,724 community members, including children, trained in disaster risk reduction strategies.
Children, adolescent girls and women of reproductive age live full and healthy lives.
Engage families with essential knowledge and skills.
Empower communities to take ownership of their collective health and address existing gender barriers.
Partner with health systems to strengthen and support.
Influence governments for policies that protect the most vulnerable, particularly women and girls.
58,792 children received deworming treatment to support their health and development.
57,319 people participated in training, counseling or activities on preventing and responding to infectious diseases
44,287 people participated in trainings, counseling or activities that teach healthy nutrition and feeding practices.
44,867 children received micronutrient supplementation such as vitamin A, zinc and micronutrient powders.
Girls and boys have the knowledge and skills to lead fulfilling, productive lives.
Work with children and their families from birth to stimulate brain development and early learning.
Support children to achieve foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
Equip adolescents and youth with skills to earn a living.
Influence governments to provide improved, gender-transformative and inclusive education services.
Partner with communities to address social, cultural and gender-related access barriers to learning.
132,009 children attended in-school or after-school literacy activities.
60,918 children received school supplies and resources for their education including backpacks, uniforms and bicycles.
3,054 teachers received curriculum training, equipping them to better support children's learning.
25,333 caregivers were trained in methods of supporting their children's reading skills.
Girls and boys are protected from abuse, neglect, exploitation and all forms of violence.
Strengthen the ability of all responsible parties to fulfill their child protection duties.
Build ties between communities and their formal child protection systems.
Address underlying causes of violence against children, especially those rooted in gender inequality.
Empower children and youth to be active agents of change.
124,159 children and adults trained in child protection, including child rights and early marriage.
64,369 people participated in activities aimed at supporting child protection and ending violence against children.
7,684 children report that their views are incorporated into decision-making.
55,052 children and youth participated in groups/clubs, gathering with peers to develop new skills and positive values.
Child and family health is protected through safe water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Collaborate with communities, organizations and governments to develop gender-responsive local water and sanitation systems.
Teach gender-sensitive hygiene and sanitation practices that prevent the spread of disease.
Provide emergency WASH services during humanitarian crises.
Ensure schools and health centres are equipped with gender-responsive, accessible WASH facilities.
204,649 people had access to safe drinking water.
88,448 people had access to handwashing facilities at home or school.
118,236 people had access to sanitation facilities like toilets at home or school.
7,856 water, sanitation and hygiene products were distributed for family health, such as hygiene kits and water filters.
Inviting accountability through financial transparency is an important part of our stewardship—and it shows through external review.
We’re a Top 10 International Impact Charity with Charity Intelligence Canada. We have a 5-star rating, including high demonstrated impact and an A+ results reporting grade.
To learn more about external reviews, best practices, and standards programs we follow, please read our full 2023 Annual Results Report (linked at the end of this report).
With the help of sponsors like you, we were able to invest wisely into our programs last year.
$22.3M was invested in livelihoods programs, $20.8M was invested in health programs, $22.8M was invested in education programs, $88.4M was invested in child protection and participation programs, and $19.7M was invested in water, sanitation, and hygiene programs.
Program expenditures by level of fragility
16% was invested in the most fragile countries, 28% invested in very low developing countries, 40% was invested in low developing countries, 9% was invested in medium developing countries, and 8% was invested in high developing countries.
Program expenditures by programming type
99% was invested in community development, and 1% was invested in crisis response.
Click below to read the full 2023 Annual Results Report.